Here is a way to run a container from initramfs, which on my machine runs gcc --version from the 14.1.0 image in a virtual machine in ~170ms.

I’m no expert here so mistakes beware.

The overall setup is to use cloud-hypervisor to run crun from an initramfs. We pass a squashfs image of the container’s rootfs as a virtual disk /dev/vda and for this article I’ve just preloaded the config.json with the process.args changed to ["gcc", "--version"] (not shown here, just use crun spec to generate a default one and change it).

I quickly hit a roadblock where crun was giving the error pivot_root: invalid argument (aka EINVAL). I did use --no-pivot successfully but that is less secure (or perhaps totally unsafe?) since it only uses chroot (see this issue for some info).

The EINVAL error we get is unhelpfully listed in the man pages as any of:

EINVAL new_root is not a mount point.
EINVAL put_old is not at or underneath new_root.
EINVAL The current root directory is not a mount point (because of an earlier chroot(2)).
EINVAL The current root is on the rootfs (initial ramfs) mount; see NOTES.
EINVAL Either the mount point at new_root, or the parent mount of that mount point, has propagation type MS_SHARED.
EINVAL put_old is a mount point and has the propagation type MS_SHARED.

I debugged the kernel (first for me!) to see this better and tracked it to this line in fs/namespace.c if (new_mnt->mnt.mnt_flags & MNT_LOCKED). Though for what’s about to come, the line if (!mnt_has_parent(new_mnt)) would make more sense, not sure. I’ve also been told it would be the latter, so perhaps even if the mount wasn’t locked, it would still fail because it has no parent.

I then serendipitously (posted the day after I hit my error) found this containers/bubblewrap comment which showed a workaround (in pseudocode):

unshare --mount
mount --rbind / /abc --mkdir
cd /abc
mount --move . /
chroot .

which to my eyes looked like total magic. Let’s try to understand it a bit better by running our thing and printing out /proc/self/mountinfo (docs).

One of my first points of confusion was how many places it is documented that you “can’t” pivot_root on initramfs:

  • The pivot_root man pages say “The rootfs (initial ramfs) cannot be pivot_root()ed.”
  • The kernel docs say “ But initramfs is rootfs: you can neither pivot_root rootfs, nor unmount it”
  • The kernel source says “* Also, the current root cannot be on the ‘rootfs’ (initial ramfs) filesystem.”

As you’ll see below, I’ve split up the workaround into 2 extra files - init2 and init3 - because unshare(1) (remember (1) is the name overload resolver meaning we’re talking about the exe named unshare and not the system call named unshare which is unshare(2)) and chroot(1) have to execute a new program to take effect. This is because the sh has to create a new process to run unshare(1) and the child process calls unshare(2) but that would have no effect on the parent process. So instead, unshare(1) calls unshare(2) then exec’s the process you tell it to, init2 in this case. Another way would be to patch crun to run these things and is something I plan on trying under a --extra-pivot-root flag or the like (could also auto-detect / is rootfs and has no parent (which is what the kata agent does), but I don’t like that as much). Update: I did submit a PR to crun for this but it didn’t make sense to include.

Update: I wrote a simple wrapper to do the parent rootfs dance and posted it here


Download cloud-hypervisor, busybox, and crun. Yay static exes

chmod +x busybox cloud-hypervisor-static crun-1.15-linux-amd64

Download and build a kernel, I am using 6.6.0 here with CONFIG_SQUASHFS=y and CONFIG_VIRTIO*=y I think I started with a config from kata but don’t have a note of that. Those are for some older versions so I remember doing some updates when doing make menuconfig. I’m assuming your kernel is built at ~/Repos/linux/vmlinux.

Build a squashfs image of the container:

id=$(podman create
podman export "$id" | sqfstar gcc-14.sqfs
podman rm "$id"

Create a config.json

./crun-1.15-linux-amd64 spec
# manually edit the proess.args to ["gcc", "--version"]


This is like a simplified Containerfile/Dockerfile but for a cpio file instead.

dir /bin 0755 0 0
dir /dev 0755 0 0
dir /proc 0755 0 0
dir /abc 0755 0 0

dir /sys 0755 0 0
dir /sys/fs 0755 0 0
dir /sys/fs/cgroup 0755 0 0

dir /run 0755 0 0
dir /run/bundle 0755 0 0
dir /run/bundle/rootfs 0755 0 0

nod /dev/console 0600 0 0 c 5 1

file /init      init1 0555 0 0
file /bin/init2 init2 0555 0 0
file /bin/init3 init3 0555 0 0

file /bin/busybox busybox 0555 0 0
file /bin/crun crun-1.15-linux-amd64 0555 0 0

file /run/bundle/config.json config.json 0444 0 0

This runs the gen_init_cpio tool from the linux tree and generates a cpio archive. Use cpio -t < initramfs to inspect.

~/Repos/linux/usr/gen_init_cpio initramfs.file > initramfs


This is the /init program run by the kernel after it unpacks the initramfs.

  • mounts the necessary filesystems for things to run
  • runs init2 in a new mount namespace.
  • shuts down the vm when it exits
#!/bin/busybox sh

export PATH=/bin

# otherwise we get a kernel panic and the vmm process hangs
trap "busybox poweroff -f" EXIT

# crun needs /proc/self/exe for stuff, cgroup_root for containers, and devtmpfs for mounting our sqfs
busybox mount -t proc none /proc
busybox mount -t cgroup2 none /sys/fs/cgroup
busybox mount -t devtmpfs none /dev
busybox mount -t squashfs -o loop /dev/vda /run/bundle/rootfs

echo '---------------------mountinfo init1 before -----------------------------'
busybox awk -e '{printf("%2d %2d %6s %3s %-25s %-10s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $8);}' /proc/self/mountinfo
echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------'

busybox unshare --mount /bin/init2

echo '---------------------mountinfo init1 after ---------------------------'
busybox awk -e '{printf("%2d %2d %6s %3s %-25s %-10s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $8);}' /proc/self/mountinfo
echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------'


init2 does the real work.

  • --rbind makes everyting we’ve mounted starting at / also available under /abc.
  • --move then moves this bind mount to / which shadows our original root rootfs
  • execs init3 in a chroot which cleans up our mount point list and I think makes the original / mount inaccessible (or at least non-adversarially?)
#!/bin/busybox sh

busybox mount --rbind / /abc

echo '---------------------mount --rbind / /abc -------------------------------'
busybox awk -e '{printf("%2d %2d %6s %3s %-25s %-10s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $8);}' /proc/self/mountinfo
echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------'

cd /abc
busybox mount --move . /

echo '----------------cd /abc && mount --move . / -----------------------------'
busybox awk -e '{printf("%2d %2d %6s %3s %-25s %-10s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $8);}' /proc/self/mountinfo
echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------'

exec busybox chroot . /bin/init3


init3 just runs our container. The config.json is already statically populated and we’ve mounted the container’s rootfs from the squashfs to /run/bundle/rootfs already.

#!/bin/busybox sh

echo '---------------------chroot . (/abc) ------------------------------------'
busybox awk -e '{printf("%2d %2d %6s %3s %-25s %-10s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $8);}' /proc/self/mountinfo
echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------'

crun run --bundle /run/bundle containerid-1234

./cloud-hypervisor-static \
    --kernel ~/Repos/linux/vmlinux \
    --initramfs initramfs \
    --cmdline "console=hvc0" \
    --disk path=gcc-squashfs.sqfs,readonly=on \
    --cpus boot=1 \
    --memory size=1024M

We can also run under qemu. I’m not sure how much of this is correct b/c qemu confuses me. But it does let us debug the kernel in conjunction with the next script.

I’m using the microvm here because it behaves better with the qemu process exiting after the vm shuts down. With the default machine type, I got -device pvpanic-pci to work, but then something else wasn’t working. I was also testing it for the speed of boot compared to cloud hypervisor. The -S pauses execution so that we can insert our breakpoints.

qemu-system-x86_64 \
    -M microvm,pit=off,pic=off,isa-serial=off,rtc=off \
    -nographic -no-user-config -nodefaults \
    -gdb tcp::1234 \
    -enable-kvm \
    -cpu host -smp 1 -m 1G \
    -kernel ~/Repos/linux/vmlinux -append "console=hvc0" \
    -device virtio-blk-device,drive=test \
    -drive id=test,file=gcc-squashfs.sqfs,read-only=on,format=raw,if=none \
    -initrd init1.initramfs \
    -chardev stdio,id=virtiocon0 \
    -device virtio-serial-device \
    -device virtconsole,chardev=virtiocon0 \

note that I had to use hardware breakpoints, was getting errors otherwise (maybe could use regular breakpoints if we don’t use -cpu host?).

lldb -o 'gdb-remote localhost:1234' -o 'break set -H -f namespace.c -l 4197' ~/Repos/linux/vmlinux
# can also use gdb but was getting "blah is optimized out" unhelpfulness
# gdb -ex 'target remote localhost:1234' ~/Repos/linux/vmlinux -ex 'hbreak namespace.c:4197'


bash && bash

kernel messages omitted (and some extra newlines inserted)

The /proc/self/mountinfo subset quoted from docs displayed is:

  1. mount ID: unique identifier of the mount (may be reused after umount)
  2. parent ID: ID of parent (or of self for the top of the mount tree)
  3. major:minor: value of st_dev for files on filesystem
  4. root: root of the mount within the filesystem
  5. mount point: mount point relative to the process’s root
  6. filesystem type: name of filesystem of the form “type[.subtype]”

I’ve labeled each snapshot of mountinfo on the right

---------------------mountinfo init1 before ----------------------------- (1)
 1  1    0:2   / /                         rootfs    
19  1   0:18   / /proc                     proc      
20  1   0:19   / /sys/fs/cgroup            cgroup2   
21  1    0:5   / /dev                      devtmpfs  
22  1  254:0   / /run/bundle/rootfs        squashfs  

---------------------mount --rbind / /abc ------------------------------- (2)
23 23    0:2   / /                         rootfs    
24 23   0:18   / /proc                     proc      
25 23   0:19   / /sys/fs/cgroup            cgroup2   
26 23    0:5   / /dev                      devtmpfs  
27 23  254:0   / /run/bundle/rootfs        squashfs  
28 23    0:2   / /abc                      rootfs    
29 28   0:18   / /abc/proc                 proc      
30 28   0:19   / /abc/sys/fs/cgroup        cgroup2   
31 28    0:5   / /abc/dev                  devtmpfs  
32 28  254:0   / /abc/run/bundle/rootfs    squashfs  

----------------cd /abc && mount --move . / ----------------------------- (3)
23 23    0:2   / /                         rootfs    
24 23   0:18   / /proc                     proc      
25 23   0:19   / /sys/fs/cgroup            cgroup2   
26 23    0:5   / /dev                      devtmpfs  
27 23  254:0   / /run/bundle/rootfs        squashfs  
28 23    0:2   / /                         rootfs    
29 28   0:18   / /proc                     proc      
30 28   0:19   / /sys/fs/cgroup            cgroup2   
31 28    0:5   / /dev                      devtmpfs  
32 28  254:0   / /run/bundle/rootfs        squashfs  

---------------------chroot . (/abc) ------------------------------------ (4)
28 23    0:2   / /                         rootfs    
29 28   0:18   / /proc                     proc      
30 28   0:19   / /sys/fs/cgroup            cgroup2   
31 28    0:5   / /dev                      devtmpfs  
32 28  254:0   / /run/bundle/rootfs        squashfs  

[    0.058861] crun[669]: memfd_create() called without MFD_EXEC or MFD_NOEXEC_SEAL set
gcc (GCC) 14.1.0
Copyright (C) 2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

---------------------mountinfo init1 after --------------------------- (5)
 1  1    0:2   / /                         rootfs    
19  1   0:18   / /proc                     proc      
20  1   0:19   / /sys/fs/cgroup            cgroup2   
21  1    0:5   / /dev                      devtmpfs  
22  1  254:0   / /run/bundle/rootfs        squashfs  


  • Our rootfs has id 1 in (1) and parent id 1, which means it has no parent mount (mnt_has_parent(struct mount) checks mnt != mnt->parent in fs/mount.h)
    • And in the new mount namespace, it has id 23 and parent 23 so same thing
  • We can see that because we run init2 in a new mount namespace, (1) and (5) are identical
    • Also that the / rootfs has id 1 in (1) and 23 in (2)
  • The --rbind in (2) binds all the mounts rootfs proc cgroup2 devtmpfs squashfs under /abc, not just rootfs
    • The resulting bind mount rootfs is id 28 with parent 23 (the real rootfs). We now have a parent mount for our rootfs!
  • The --move in (3) then moves our bind mounts from /abc to /
  • The chroot in (4) then hides our original set of mounts so we only see mounts starting with id 28
  • Then some warning from the kernel about memfd_create that I haven’t looked into
  • Then the output of gcc --version running in its container

I was reading what kata containers do in this situation to see if they did something similar (only after I knew about the workaround), but it looks like as of writing this they essentially use --no-pivot when the kata agent is init. They are passing the no_pivot_root option to runc I believe but the effect is the same as --no-pivot in crun.


stracing crun

I wanted to see the state of /proc/self/mountinfo when crun is doing its pivot_root in do_pivot. I wish strace had an option for running a hook command on trace events, but it doesn’t, so I hacked one in:

--- a/src/syscall.c
+++ b/src/syscall.c
@@ -1021,6 +1021,9 @@ syscall_exiting_trace(struct tcb *tcp, struct timespec *ts, int res)
+    system("busybox awk -e '{printf(\"%2d %2d %6s %3s %-25s %-10s\\n\", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $8);}' /proc/self/mountinfo 1>&2 && busybox sha256sum /proc/self/mountinfo 1>&2");
+    tprints_string("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
        if (stack_trace_mode)

build with ./configure LDFLAGS='-static'

symlink busybox to /bin/sh so that system(3) works

# pseudo diff for inintramfs.file
+ slink /bin/sh /bin/busybox 0555 0 0
+ file /bin/strace /home/andrew/Repos/strace/src/strace 0555 0 0
# pseudo diff for init3
- crun run --bundle /run/bundle containerid-1234
+ strace -f --trace pivot_root,mount,umount2 crun run --bundle /run/bundle containerid-1234

Ultimately this isn’t even interesting, because the mountinfo looks the same the whole time on all 52 calls (hence why I included the shasum so I could quickly scan). In the output below, I’m just showing the regular strace output because the mountinfo is always the same as (4) above. I still don’t actually know what pivot_root . . achieves.

The strace output
strace: Process 673 attached
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/", NULL, MS_REC|MS_PRIVATE, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/run/bundle/rootfs", NULL, MS_PRIVATE, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("/run/bundle/rootfs", "/run/bundle/rootfs", NULL, MS_BIND|MS_REC, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/run/bundle/rootfs", NULL, MS_REC|MS_PRIVATE, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/run/bundle/rootfs", NULL, MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("proc", "/proc/self/fd/6", "proc", 0, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/8", NULL, MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("tmpfs", "/proc/self/fd/6", "tmpfs", MS_NOSUID|MS_STRICTATIME, "mode=755,size=65536k") = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/8", NULL, MS_NOSUID|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND|MS_STRICTATIME, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("devpts", "/proc/self/fd/8", "devpts", MS_NOSUID|MS_NOEXEC, "newinstance,ptmxmode=0666,mode=0"...) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/6", NULL, MS_NOSUID|MS_NOEXEC|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("shm", "/proc/self/fd/8", "tmpfs", MS_NOSUID|MS_NODEV|MS_NOEXEC, "mode=1777,size=65536k") = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/6", NULL, MS_NOSUID|MS_NODEV|MS_NOEXEC|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("mqueue", "/proc/self/fd/8", "mqueue", MS_NOSUID|MS_NODEV|MS_NOEXEC, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/6", NULL, MS_NOSUID|MS_NODEV|MS_NOEXEC|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("sysfs", "/proc/self/fd/6", "sysfs", MS_NOSUID|MS_NODEV|MS_NOEXEC, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("cgroup2", "/proc/self/fd/6", "cgroup2", MS_NOSUID|MS_NODEV|MS_NOEXEC|MS_RELATIME, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("tmpfs", "/proc/self/fd/6", "tmpfs", 0, "size=0k") = 0
[pid   673] mount("/dev/null", "/proc/self/fd/6", NULL, MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("/dev/null", "/proc/self/fd/6", NULL, MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("/dev/null", "/proc/self/fd/6", NULL, MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("tmpfs", "/proc/self/fd/6", "tmpfs", 0, "size=0k") = 0
[pid   673] mount("/proc/self/fd/6", "/proc/self/fd/6", NULL, MS_BIND|MS_REC, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/15", NULL, MS_REC|MS_PRIVATE, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("/proc/self/fd/6", "/proc/self/fd/6", NULL, MS_BIND|MS_REC, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/16", NULL, MS_REC|MS_PRIVATE, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("/proc/self/fd/6", "/proc/self/fd/6", NULL, MS_BIND|MS_REC, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/17", NULL, MS_REC|MS_PRIVATE, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("/proc/self/fd/6", "/proc/self/fd/6", NULL, MS_BIND|MS_REC, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/18", NULL, MS_REC|MS_PRIVATE, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("/proc/self/fd/6", "/proc/self/fd/6", NULL, MS_BIND|MS_REC, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/19", NULL, MS_REC|MS_PRIVATE, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/19", NULL, MS_RDONLY|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/18", NULL, MS_RDONLY|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/17", NULL, MS_RDONLY|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/16", NULL, MS_RDONLY|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/15", NULL, MS_RDONLY|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/14", NULL, MS_RDONLY|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/13", NULL, MS_RDONLY|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/12", NULL, MS_RDONLY|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/11", NULL, MS_RDONLY|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/10", NULL, MS_RDONLY|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/8", NULL, MS_RDONLY|MS_NOSUID|MS_NODEV|MS_NOEXEC|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/proc/self/fd/5", NULL, MS_RDONLY|MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] pivot_root(".", ".")        = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, ".", NULL, MS_REC|MS_PRIVATE, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] umount2(".", MNT_DETACH)    = 0
[pid   673] umount2(".", MNT_DETACH)    = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/", NULL, MS_REC|MS_PRIVATE, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount("/dev/pts/0", "/dev/console", NULL, MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
[pid   673] mount(NULL, "/dev/console", NULL, MS_REMOUNT|MS_BIND, NULL) = 0

inside the container

This is from running sh -c 'cat /proc/self/mountinfo' inside our container (by changing the config.json args). Note the ids are different because the container is in another mount namespace.

44 33  254:0 /               /                         squashfs  
45 44   0:21 /               /proc                     proc      
46 44   0:22 /               /dev                      tmpfs     
47 46   0:23 /               /dev/pts                  devpts    
48 46   0:24 /               /dev/shm                  tmpfs     
49 46   0:20 /               /dev/mqueue               mqueue    
50 44   0:25 /               /sys                      sysfs     
51 50   0:19 /               /sys/fs/cgroup            cgroup2   
52 45   0:26 /               /proc/acpi                tmpfs     
53 45    0:5 /null           /proc/kcore               devtmpfs  
54 45    0:5 /null           /proc/keys                devtmpfs  
55 45    0:5 /null           /proc/timer_list          devtmpfs  
56 50   0:27 /               /sys/firmware             tmpfs     
57 45   0:21 /bus            /proc/bus                 proc      
58 45   0:21 /fs             /proc/fs                  proc      
59 45   0:21 /irq            /proc/irq                 proc      
60 45   0:21 /sys            /proc/sys                 proc      
61 45   0:21 /sysrq-trigger  /proc/sysrq-trigger       proc      
38 46   0:23 /0              /dev/console              devpts